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Your Go-To Dry Eye Solution Center in Cinnaminson

Are you experiencing dry, itchy, watery, or gritty eyes?

If so, you might be suffering from dry eye syndrome. Fortunately, the expert optometrists at our dry eye center are here to help. Schedule your appointment now and take the first step towards finding relief from dry eyes.

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Home » Eye Care Services » Dry Eye

Dry eye syndrome, also known as DES, occurs when tear production and drainage are out of balance. This leads to uncomfortable symptoms such as itching, burning, redness, watery eyes, excessive tearing, and even eye pain. If left untreated, DES can worsen over time and may lead to corneal ulcers.

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Take the Dry Eye Quiz

Common Causes of Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Blocked oil glands in the eyelids (meibomian gland dysfunction or evaporative dry eye)
  • Being female (due to hormonal changes)
  • Age (higher prevalence in individuals over 50 years old)
  • Environmental factors, such as dry wind, dry air, and dry climates
  • Certain medications, including antidepressants, decongestants, and blood pressure medications
  • Autoimmune disorders like Sjogren's disease and arthritis.

How Do I Know If I Have Dry Eye Syndrome?

If you experience any of the following symptoms, it's possible that you have dry eye syndrome:

  1. Gritty, itchy, or stinging eyes
  2. Excessive tearing or mucous discharge
  3. Eyes that feel tired or dry
  4. Increased light sensitivity
  5. Regularly using eye drops
  6. Discomfort that worsens as the day progresses

To determine if you have DES, take our dry eye quiz. It only takes a few minutes and can provide valuable insights into your eye health. Keep in mind that the only way to diagnose DES with certainty is to have your eyes examined by an eye doctor.

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Effective Dry Eye Treatment

At our clinic, we provide individualized dry eye treatment plans based on the underlying cause of your condition. Our goal is to help you restore and maintain a healthy tear film, minimizing dryness and discomfort.

Do You Have More Questions About Dry Eyes? | FAQ

Is there a cure for dry eye syndrome?

Currently, there is no definitive cure for dry eye syndrome. However, our treatment options can effectively manage the condition and alleviate symptoms, improving your quality of life.

What is the main cause of dry eye syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is primarily caused by meibomian gland dysfunction, a condition characterized by blocked or clogged oil-producing glands that line the upper and lower eyelids.

How do I prevent dry eye symptoms?

To prevent dry eye symptoms, you can follow these tips:

  1. Maintain good eyelid hygiene
  2. Use artificial tears or lubricating eye drops if needed
  3. Wear protective eyewear in dry or windy environments
  4. Take breaks from prolonged screen time to rest your eyes

Can dry eye syndrome cause blindness?

Dry eye syndrome itself does not typically cause blindness. However, severe cases of untreated dry eye can lead to corneal damage and increase the risk of eye infections, which can permanently harm vision.

Remember, early diagnosis and proper management of DES are crucial for maintaining optimal eye health. Don't hesitate to contact Optic One Family Eye Care to schedule an appointment and receive the care you deserve.

  • person writing at desk
    Take the DEQ-5 Dry Eye Questionnaire to assess the symptoms of your eyes that could be hindering the quality of your vision.